A new robot-assisted orthopedic surgery simulation system
2013/11/25 10:58:05
T he paper p rop oses a novel d esktop virtu al su rgical sim u lation system cap able of not only su rg ical
training but also op erative plann ing ,su rgery reh earsal an d telesurgery ,w hich is m ainly used on th e rob ot-assis-ted ortho pedic surgery system ,H IT -R A O S .T he pap er fi rst introduces th e hard w are system :H IT .R A 0 S .T hen presents several m ajor characters of the virtual system :developing tools,building schem es and collision detection algorithm .Additionally .virt ual reality based telesurgery is im plem ented . B ased on these works experi m en ts of lockin g of intram edu llary nails are con ducted and re sults a re con tent.
training but also op erative plann ing ,su rgery reh earsal an d telesurgery ,w hich is m ainly used on th e rob ot-assis-ted ortho pedic surgery system ,H IT -R A O S .T he pap er fi rst introduces th e hard w are system :H IT .R A 0 S .T hen presents several m ajor characters of the virtual system :developing tools,building schem es and collision detection algorithm .Additionally .virt ual reality based telesurgery is im plem ented . B ased on these works experi m en ts of lockin g of intram edu llary nails are con ducted and re sults a re con tent.
